What’s new in training?

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Eva Goldstein
There is lots of news coming down the pipe that spells automation!

Two areas specifically are expected to come on board soon as they will provide great end-user strength - the ancillary tracking system and the AF Form 623 records management system. Both initiatives are very promising and will enable the enduser to make data-based decisions with timely and accurate information.

There is currently an Air Force push to automate the tracking of all ancillary training requirements. The Air Force has purchased an ancillary tracking system called Advanced Distributed Learning System, which is capable of housing all training requirements. The transcript that prints out from this system looks like a college transcript.

Currently, the Law of Armed Conflict training and the Explosive Ordnance Training (part of Chemical Warfare Training) is being tracked in this system. ADLS coordinators are currently engaging all the mobility requirement points of contact to approve the use of this system to track all training, specifically the mobility requirements. The site may be accessed at https://golearn.csd.disa.mil/kc/login/orientation. asp (to register as individual, registration is immediately required).

This distance learning tracking system is much like the MILPDS system, where folks are accounted for by Military Personnel Flight locations. Upon permanent change of station, individuals will be picked up by the gaining squadron and (automatically records) are accounted for under the current squadron. This system has been implemented and is currently in use. For specific questions regarding this system, please contact your unit training officer.

Secondly, there is a huge initiative to automate training records across all Air Force specialties! Two systems are currently being looked at. One is called Training Business Area Application and the other is Air Force Training Record System. These proposed systems are currently in the testing mode here; however, supervisors must continue training with the current certification procedures identified in each Career Field and Education and Training Plan. The decision to purchase these proposed systems has not been made.

Each AF Form 623a, Individual Training Record management system, is very detailed and allows the supervisor great advantages in determining each trainees training requirements and the section's or squadron's requirements at a glance. Simply by a push of a button, a supervisor can view what tasks have never been trained and those tasks needing to be trained. Instead of flipping through endless pages to find the tasks that need training, both of these systems consolidate these tasks and show and print them out consecutively, allowing the supervisor to better manage their troops' individual training and determine where to begin training.

Some other advantages are:

a. Transcribing will occur at Air Force headquarters level. There will be no more manual transcribing. Added, deleted and changed tasks to new CFETPs will be determined and implemented at higher levels, and the change will be implemented by mass downloads to each and every individual training record.

For example, if there is a new task, the system will automatically tell the supervisor that a new task has been added and training is needed. Transcribing will occur automatically and all new tasks will appear on the Specialty Training Standard for action.

b. Automatic prompting will tell you to make an AF Form 623 entry automatically once documenting tasks in the training record is completed. The system will prompt a follow-up on a trainee's career development course.

c. Better scheduling is possible when higher level of management can access training needs and initiate a training program based on the squadron's individual needs.

For example, if 80 percent of all personnel have task number 2.2 untrained, it will be easily noted and managers can schedule that training and make better use of valuable time.

d. Master task plan and list will be developed by each section. When a member moves from section to section, the tasks are automatically un-circled and circled leaving only those tasks that need to be trained (training requirement) in order to duty-qualify an Airman for that position.

In addition, changes that are made by the administrators (such as deleting duty tasks or adding duty tasks) will be automatic to each individual training record.

There are many advantages in these automated systems that will enable us to make better use of our time as we undergo demographic changes in the Air Force.

These systems certainly do have the potential to bring many benefits, the most important being able to determine our training needs and readiness capability with the click of a button. These systems will greatly improve our training management and make it easier for the supervisor to do the job on the line.