Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+

Visitors and Security Info

61st Security Forces

Security forces police badge61st Security Forces Squadron

The 61st Security Forces Squadron at Los Angeles Air Force Base provides the highest level of integrated base defense to the Los Angeles Air Force Base community through unmatched force protection and law enforcement services.  The squadron is primarily made up of Department of the Air Force civilians serving as Police Officers. The 61st SFS leadership team and support staff consists of Department of the Air Force civilians and active-duty Security Forces members.

Security Forces is hiring! Click HERE for more info.

You can email if you have any questions about the hiring process or applying.

61st SFS Base Defense Operation Center (BDOC):
Commercial: (310) 653-5787/5664 
DSN: 633-5787 / 633-5664

Visitor Information


Visitor Control Center Locations:

LAAFB: We are located in Bldg. 260, just to the immediate left of the Los Angeles AFB entrance, just past the fence line leading to the Douglas Street main gate. The facility is a state-of-the-art Visitor Control Center. We prepare and issue temporary visitor passes, vehicle passes, and DBIDS passes. We also coordinate access for special events, contractors, companies, vendors, and visitors, including Aerospace Corporation, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, United Launch Alliance, SpaceX and others in support of Space Systems Command or Los Angeles AFB mission requirements.


Fort MacArthur: Temporary visitor passes for the housing areas are issued 24/7 at the gate. We are here in order to help serve our geographically separated locations at Fort MacArthur, Pacific Heights, and Pacific Crest Housing areas.

Processing procedures:

Visitors can obtain entry by having their sponsor meet them at the Visitor Control Center in order to assist them in getting a temporary visitor pass. Visitors over the age of 18 must have a valid picture ID to be allowed access to the base. (Processing procedures are subject to change depending on current FPCON/HPCON levels.) EAL's are only used for 3 or more visitors. Under 3 visitors requires a guest pass issued at the VCC.

You can print and email the Entry Approval List (EAL)

Los Angeles Air Force Base and Fort MacArthur Housing areas allow Trusted Traveler, meaning eligible ID card holders can sponsor individuals at a ratio of 5:1, traveling in the same vehicle onto base. Each member in the vehicle over the age of 18 must have a valid license or form of identification.

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Weekends and Federal holidays and Family Days: Closed

Fort MacArthur Gate: 
24/7 operations
Can be delayed based on patrol response
Only issues passes for housing areas

SFS Pass and ID
Issues DBIDS cards and Access Badges, processes EAL's and Base Passes. 
Located at LA AFB, Building 272, First Floor

  • Closed on Mondays 
  • Open Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

61st SFS: (310) 653-0546/0547/0548
DSN: 633-0546 / 633-0547 / 633-0548


California Leash Law

Dog on Leash Safety Spotlight 

From FY20 to FY22, the USAF saw a 50.87% increase in pet-related incidents, resulting in 810 lost workdays and a price tag of $2,546,200. 

Please review the Military Housing Animal Leashing Policy and Los Angeles County Leash Law 10.32.010 regarding leashing of pets outside your private dwelling unit. There is a dog park on Ft. Mac and local area animal parks where off-leash pets are welcome. Please adhere to all posted signage.

Vehicle Operation on Base

Speed limits (unless otherwise posted):

Los Angeles AFB Main Base - 15 MPH

Ft. MacArthur Family housing areas - 15 MPH


Cell Phone Use:

Talking on a cell phone while driving is prohibited, unless the vehicle is safely parked or the operator is using a hands-free device.


Required Seat Belt Use:

Restraint systems (seat belts) will be worn by all operators and passengers of U.S. Government vehicles on or off the installation.


Long-Term Parking is available through coordination with the LAAFB Parking POC for a pass. Contact Mr. Christopher Turley at 310-653-5477 to coordinate.


Parking is prohibited:

- Handicap spaces in front of the Commissary & BX unless shopping

- Adjacent to, or blocking trash receptacles

- On, across, or outside parking demarcation lines

- Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant

- Any location that would impede the operation of an emergency vehicle

- Designated reserved or numbered parking stalls


Privately owned weapons

All persons arriving at Los Angeles AFB with firearms in their possession will immediately report to the 61st Security Forces Squadron's Fort MacArthur armory in San Pedro to arrange for the temporary storage of their privately owned weapons. This service is available 24/7 please call (310) 653-0546.

All firearms stored on base will be registered via AF Form 1314, in person, with the BDOC.

Report Suspicious Activity

Numbers and E-mails

Los Angeles AFB Operator
(310) 653-1110

LAAFB Base Locator
(310) 653-3080

ID Card Customer Support
(310) 653-6556 
(310) 653-5114

61st Security Forces Squadron Security Forces Squadron
(Law Enforcement desk):
(310) 653-5787 
(310) 653-5664


Public Queries or Event Requests
(310) 653-3145 or 


Official Public Communication Guidance & Request Process