Farewell to friends and coworkers Published Sept. 8, 2006 By Chief Master Sgt. Michael Konkel 61st Civil Engineering and Logistics Squadron LOS ANGELES AFB, CA -- As I end my nearly four years at the Space and Missile Systems Center and Los Angeles Air Force Base and get ready to leave on my Permanent Change of Station move to Yokota Air Station, Japan, I thank you for your support and for making Los Angeles AFB a better place to work and all your outstanding teamwork everyone has done to make it one of the best bases in Air Force Space Command. Driving by Area A this morning for the final time and seeing the last building being demolished, I think now how I have seen the installation totally transform from two separate areas (A and B) into one as the Schriever Space Complex. A new clinic, fitness center, Child Development Center, three major buildings (270, 271 and 272), front gate and soon-to-be Base Exchange have happened in the past four years. What an accomplishment it has been. I am proud to have had the opportunity to be part of it all. Of course, all of this work would have not been possible without everyone pitching in and working together - the military, civilians and contractors. Everyone worked hard and your efforts show. Over the next five years, the military will draw down by more than 40,000 personnel through Force Shaping. Everyone will have to do their part to ensure we maintain the quality Air Force we are all proud of serving. While at the same time, we must defend the United States of America against the ongoing global war on terrorism by supporting the warfighters through the space programs and operational support functions we perform at SMC. As I leave, I wish everyone the very best of luck and farewell.