October is Energy Awareness Month Published Sept. 24, 2009 By Ed Wilson LAAFB Energy Manager LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- October is "Energy Awareness" month throughout the Federal Government. This year's theme is "Energy Solutions...Fueling the Mission." Energy conservation has received increased emphasis due to Hurricane Katrina and the war on terror highlighting our nation's vulnerability to energy supply disruptions. Executive Order 13423 mandates all federal departments and agencies increase energy efficiency though operational and facility improvements as well as greater reliance on renewable sources such as wind, solar and geothermal energy. Los Angeles Air Force Base is committed to achieving maximum energy reduction and pursuing a robust renewable program to limit the purchase of off-base energy. The base has accomplished several significant energy improvements in recent years not the least of which is the retiring of old inefficient facilities with modern buildings employing some of the most advanced energy and water saving technologies. Many more projects will be completed in future years to advance the base's energy efficiency goals even further. However, energy conservation goals cannot be met without the commitment and support of everyone. Energy conservation is not just another discretionary program. Energy used on base is paid for with real money that comes from "YOU" the taxpayer. Conservation must become a personal priority and a way of life for everyone. We all take the energy we use for granted; it is especially easy at work where we do not personally receive the bill to for the energy we use. Yet, each of us has a responsibility to the base, however small, to become part of the solution to conserve energy. People are the backbone of the conservation program; we are the people who have the capability close a door, turn off unnecessary lights, printers, coffee pots and other appliances when they are not needed. We ask that starting with the month of October, you look for energy saving opportunities, be alert to the ways you use or possibly misuse energy. Take an active role in reducing energy usage and become part of the solution in using our resources in the most positive means possible. Your efforts "DO" make a difference, even if it is just one positive act each day.