LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Space is becoming a warfighting domain. Air Force Space Command’s operations and warfighting culture must evolve rapidly to meet the challenges of operating in the contested, degraded and operationally limited (CDO) space domain. It is expected that US space systems will face an increasingly wide range of man-made threats in the next 20 years capable of causing both reversible and irreversible effects. To fight through the increasingly complex environment with growing and increasingly diverse threats, we will continue to improve the mission assurance of our space capabilities by developing multi-domain defensive systems and responsive tactics, techniques, and procedures. Our Battle Management Command and Control (BMC2) capabilities must evolve because today’s C2 functions, infrastructure, organization and training do not yet deliver the real-time capability commanders need to synchronize execution and fight on tactical timelines. We must be agile in response to threats and ensure AFSPC’s organize, train, and equip (OT&E) activities are informed by well-documented and clear authorities, roles, responsibilities, command relationships and warfighting requirements.
This increasingly hostile space threat environment means that a space warfighting force must be capable of deterring or fighting through adversary actions to deliver required space effects in support of the Combatant Commander. The AFSPC commander’s Space Enterprise Vision identified the development and employment of a BMC2 system as a foundational pillar to transforming the space mission enterprise to meet future challenges. A BMC2 system with the capability to manage the fight on tactical timelines is one of several ongoing AFSPC efforts aimed at integrating a warfighting mentality into space mission operations and creating a space mission force construct.