SBD 3 Highlights Steven Bogstie for National Military Spouse Appreciation Day

  • Published
  • By SBD 3 Public Affairs

Q: How long have you been married? 
A: 20+ Years

Q: How long has your spouse been in the service?
A: 25 Years

Q: What is their rank and role in the service? 
A: Colonel; Senior Materiel Leader, Acquisition Delta - Resilient Missile Warning, Tracking, Defense for Space Systems Command.

Q: Have you ever served in the military? If so, in what capacity?
A: Yes, I was a Space Operations Officer (13S) for 21 years; retired in 2017. 

Q: Has being married to a military member provided opportunities for you and your family? If so, can you describe them? 
A: Yes, being assigned to many different locations throughout the country has been a unique opportunity.  Those assignments provided us with opportunities to live in areas we would have never considered living in; had we not been in the military.  I enjoy experiencing, the different people, cultures, food and entertainment different parts of the country offer. 

Q: Describe a challenge associated with being a military spouse?
A: Official travel, when either my wife or myself are gone TDY for work related duties, the other has to shoulder the entire household load.  From making meals, to cleaning, laundry and shuttling kids around to their various activities; that can be challenging.  I always appreciate when my wife returns!

Q: What advice do you have for new military spouses? 
A: Communication is key to having a healthy work, life, family balance.