LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The 61st Air Base Group announces the availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed Space and Missile Park at Los Angeles Air Force Base. Implementation of the Proposed Action would include the development of a park functioning as an educational development and ensuring the preservation of important representative artifacts documenting the Space and Missile Systems Center’s history. The proposed park would also serve as a gathering place for SMC personnel and visitors to enjoy the outdoors, improving morale and welfare at the base. While several details such as a complete inventory and orientation of static displays are still under development, the conceptual designs for the proposed park call for up to six artifacts displayed in either vertical or horizontal alignment. Each static display – including required concrete foundations – would be engineered individually based on the specific artifact to be installed. Each of the static displays would feature informational plaques and educational signage. There would be two formal entrances to the park – one of which would be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) – and there would be several seating areas, with shade trees intended to provide inviting areas for congregation.
Pursuant to the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), this draft EA serves as a concise public document that provides evidence and analysis for determining whether a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is appropriate or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should be prepared. The draft EA presents the purpose and need for the action, the proposed action and alternatives, a description of the affected environment, and an analysis of environmental consequences. It also documents cumulative impacts from projects which are proposed, under construction, recently completed, or anticipated to be implemented in the near future. No significant environmental impacts have been identified in the draft EA.
The public is invited to review and make comments on the draft EA, which is available at the online at www.losangeles.af.mil. Comments must be received no later than June 30. The public may submit written comments to the address below:
61st CELS Environmental
482 N Aviation Blvd.
El Segundo, CA 90245
Email: 61cels.environmental@us.af.mil