Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


Los Angeles Air Force Base is the home of U.S. Space Force's Space and Missile Systems Center -- the "birthplace" of U.S. Air Force's ballistic missile and military space program. Headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., SMC is the U.S. Space Force's center of acquisition excellence for acquiring and developing military space systems. Its portfolio includes the Global Positioning System, military satellite communications, defense meteorological satellites, space launch and range systems, satellite control networks, space based infrared systems and space situational awareness capabilities.

LAAFB is also the home of the 61st Air Base Group and is the only active-duty military installation located within the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. It's historical lineage can be traced back to WWII.


SMC is the birthplace of military space and center of military space acquisition excellence. Our mission is to deliver resilient, affordable and sustainable space capabilities for the nation.

More on SMC's mission and history

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Advanced Systems

The mission of the Advanced Systems and Development Directorate is to drive future Space capabilities through collaborative innovation, development planning and demonstrations. Headquartered at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico with operating locations at Los Angeles AFB, Calif., Hill AFB, Utah and NASA/Johnson Space Center, Texas, SMC/AD is composed of four mission divisions and four support divisions.

More on SMC/AD

Global Positioning Systems

The Global Positioning Systems Directorate is a joint-service, multinational, civil/military systems directorate with more than 700 DoD/contractor personnel responsible for development, launch and sustainment of the Global Positioning System, the world's premier navigation and timing standard. The directorate is responsible for the development and procurement of over 250,000 receiver systems and the United States' nuclear detonation detection system. Annual funding is $1billion and total program value is $32 billion.

More on SMC/GP

Launch Systems

 The Launch Enterprise Directorate provides DoD and the National Reconnaissance Office with assured access to space through launch systems modernization, sustainment and development of worldwide range capability for all national security missions. The directorate conducts satellite mission integration and provides reliable, integrated tools to test and support the nation's space launch, ballistic missile and aeronautical testing.

More on SMC/LE


The MILSATCOM Systems Directorate plans for, acquires and sustains space-enabled global communications in support of the president, secretary of Defense and combat forces. MILSATCOM systems consists of satellites, terminals, and control stations, worth more than $42 billion providing communication for approximately 16,000 aircraft, ships, mobile and fixed sites. As a jointly-manned directorate, it interfaces with major commands from each of the Armed Services, HQ Air Force and various DoD agencies.

More on SMC/MC

61st Air Base Group

The 61st Air Base Group provides medical, civil engineering, communications, chaplain, security, logistics, personnel, readiness, and quality-of-life services to the Space and Missile Systems Center and other Department of Defense units in the Los Angeles basin. It consists of five squadrons and six staff agencies, totaling more than 790 personnel with $608 million in plant assets and an annual budget of $60 million.

More on 61st ABG 

61st Civil Engineering

The 61st Civil Engineering and Logistics Squadron provides maintenance, repair, design, construction, readiness and emergency management, installation deployment support, fire protection, environmental compliance, housing, transportation, supply and travel management services to the Space and Missile Systems Center and its 4,500 personnel.

More on the 61st CELS

61st Force Support

The 61st Force Support Squadron contributes to the Air Force mission through programs that support overall military readiness and enhances quality of life for AF members and their families. The 61st FSS serves active duty military, Department of Defense civilians, military retirees, Aerospace employees and defense contractors working or residing in the area.

More on 61st FSS

61st Security Forces

The 61st Security Forces Squadron is mostly made up of Department of Defense police officers, augmented by Air Force Reservists and Air National Guardsmen. There are only a few active duty Air Force security forces members stationed here, acting as squadron staff.

More on 61st SFS

SMC Mission and Vision

Range and Network

The Range and Network Division is responsible for modernizing and sustaining the world-wide Air Force Satellite Control Network as well as the nation's Launch and Test Range Systems located at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., and Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla.

More on SMC/RN

Remote Sensing Systems

The Remote Sensing Systems Directorate's mission is to develop, deploy, and sustain surveillance capabilities in support of missile warning, missile defense, battlespace awareness, technical intelligence, and environmental monitoring mission areas.

More on SMC/RS

Space Logistics Directorate

Located at Peterson AFB, the Space Logistics Directorate has 550 people and a $500 million annual budget. It sustains and modifies worldwide USAF/DoD space weapon systems to include terrestrial and space weather, global positioning systems, launch range control, satellite command and control, secure communications, and missiles early warning. The directorate is the focal point for logistics, maintenance, supply, sustaining engineering and the Space Logistics Readiness Center.

Space Superiority Systems

The Space Superiority Systems Directorate is responsible for equiping the joint warfighter with unrivaled offensive and defensive counterspace, space situation awareness and special access capabilities required to gain, maintain and exploit space superiority. The directorate executes cradle-to-grave responsibility for weapon systems development, fielding and sustainment.

More on SMC/SY

Staff Judge Advocate

The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate provides legal assistance to active duty members, reserve members on Title 10 orders or pending deployment, retired military members, and dependents who are eligible to receive military identification cards. Provided legal assistance includes wills, powers of attorney and other personal civil legal matters such as landlord/tenant, domestic and consumer affairs issues.
More on SMC/JA

Public Affairs Office

SMC/PA provides trusted counsel to base leadership, builds and maintains Airman morale and readiness and helps strengthen public trust and support. Our staff serves as the liaison between the SMC commander, base personnel and their family members, civilian communities and American and International publics. News about SMC and Los Angeles Air Force Base is distributed to internal and external audiences.

More on SMC/PA

61st Medical Squadron

Medical care for Los Angeles AFB personnel is provided by the 61st Medical Squadron. A satellite clinic is also located at the Fort MacArthur military housing area. All patients are seen by appointment only.The Los Angeles AFB clinic is open Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is closed on weekends, Federal Holidays and/or specially-designated Family Days. For additional information, call (310) 653-CURE (653-2873).

Emergency medical care is not available at either clinic. For life threatening injuries or illnesses, call 911 or proceed to the nearest Emergency room or Urgent Care Center listed here.

More on 61st MDS

AFOSI Procurement Fraud

The Air Force Office of Special Investigations has been the Air Force's major investigative service since Aug.1, 1948. The agency reports to the Inspector General, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. AFOSI activated the Office of Procurement Fraud in 2013 to identify, neutralize, and prevent fraud threats to Air Force Procurement and Financial Systems.

More information about Procurement Fraud and how to report


Numbers and E-mails

Los Angeles AFB Operator
(310) 653-1110

LAAFB Base Locator
(310) 653-3080

ID Card Customer Support
(310) 653-6556 
(310) 653-5114

61st Security Forces Squadron Security Forces Squadron
(Law Enforcement desk):
(310) 653-5787 
(310) 653-5664


Public Queries or Event Requests
(310) 653-3145 or 


Official Public Communication Guidance & Request Process