LAAFB Commissary to Close on Tuesdays Due to Furloughs

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According to a news release from the Defense Commissary Agency, most military commissaries will be closed on Mondays as a result of the announced DoD civilian employee furlough. Since the Los Angeles AFB store and 147 other stores worldwide are usually closed on Mondays, the commissary here will be closed for up to 11 Tuesdays starting the week of July 8. The store' s daily hours will remain the same on the days that it is open.

"We know that any disruption in commissary operations will impact our patrons," said Joseph H. Jeu, DeCA's director and CEO. "Also, we understand the tremendous burden this places on our employees, who, when furloughed, will lose 20 percent of their pay.

Commissary customers can find out about any changes to their local store' s operating hours by going to, clicking on the "Locations" tab to find their local store and clicking on "local store information" for more details.