LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Q: How long have you been married?
A: 11 years
Q: How long has your spouse been in the service?
A: 15 years
Q: What is their rank and role in the service?
A: He is a Captain in the USAF, Force Support Officer, currently serving as the Executive Officer to Space Base Delta 3 Commander
Q: Have you ever served in the military? If so, in what capacity?
A: No
Q: Has your spouse ever been deployed and how did that affect your family if so?
A: Yes, we were newlyweds before having children and he deployed to the Middle East for 6 months. This was in many ways our very first test as a married couple. I had never known anyone in the military and grew up nowhere near any bases, I really didn’t know what to expect. Trying to remain strong while being apart, in a new location, with a major time difference, unfamiliar with military life and the accommodations on base. It set the stage for a newfound confidence and strength as a military spouse. We were reunited after nearly 7 months and then we had to re-adjust to living together once again. It was not easy but after managing that so early in our marriage it definitely made us stronger.
Q: Has being married to a military member provided opportunities for you and your family? If so, can you describe them?
A: Yes. Aside from the benefit of having friends all over the world, access to education, base amenities, community and countless balls and events; my kids (ages 8, 6 & 2) have joined us camping in Wales, road tripping through the Scottish Highlands, visiting the beaches in California, site seeing in Las Vegas, seeing tulip fields in Holland and our next PCS is taking us to Hawaii this summer. These locations have all been made possible due to the bases we’ve been assigned to; that I never dreamed of being able to experience with my family. The cultures my kids have experienced are shaping them into adults that will have a respectful understanding of the world.
Q: Describe a challenge associated with being a military spouse?
The biggest challenge isn’t moving to new places, but leaving old places. We’ve been lucky to meet great people along the way. We are pros at moving at this point, but it still stings when we have to leave friends. Also of course, the hovering fear that a long TDY or deployment will happen in the future.
Q: What advice do you have for new military spouses?
A: Enjoy the ride. Take advantage of everything you can experience at the locations you’re sent. If you don’t get out and try new things and meet new people, you will not enjoy any place you’re stationed. Every base has its positives and negatives with people either loving or hating where they are at, try to be a person who loves it! I’ve had friends who talk down about a base and then I find people who claim that was their favorite assignment. It is all what YOU make it. Look for the positives wherever you go.