LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Directorate: Advanced Systems and Development
Duty title: Program Lead, Space Enterprise Prototypes
Years in Service: 13 years
Time on Station: 19 months
Hometown: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Goals: Employ a clear, direct way to expeditiously develop space-related prototypes utilizing innovative solutions from broad range of vendors.
Hobbies: Family time, bicycles, motorcycles, and running
Greatest achievement: My greatest singular achievement that many folks haven’t done was completing a 45 mile ultramarathon, albeit slowly. Other proud moments include obtaining my master’s degree in engineering, transitioning the Afghan National Army major equipment supply system from coalition-led process to Afghan responsibilities, and, in general, I’m most proud with the others around me that I’ve been able to influence and support to reach their goals.
What others are saying: “Maj Pugh has been instrumental in setting up a new process to develop prototypes for Department of Defense Space applications. His knowledge and experience from the Air Force Research Laboratory and Space and Missile Systems Center’s Range and Network Division have perfectly positioned him to institute a new acquisition model for prototypes,” Lt Col Kendra Crider, chief, Prototypes Branch.