SMC Portfolio Architect (SMC/ZA)


The SMC Portfolio Architect defines and maintains the space enterprise systems architecture, as defined by the USSF operational architecture, and develops the framework to apply collaborative innovation, analysis, and technology baseline planning & integration across international, DoD and other partnerships in order to inform and prioritize materiel acquisitions that rapidly deliver resilient capability to the multi-domain fight.


The SMC Portfolio Architect includes a total force of approximately 81 assigned military, 83 assigned civilians, 119 Federally Funded Research and Development Center contractors, and 448 other contractors. The organizational structure is comprised of six divisions, each executing a foundational aspect of the Portfolio Architect mission. In order to successfully accomplish their responsibilities and deliver their products, each division relies upon integration among the other divisions and across SMC. This culture of consistent stakeholder collaboration and integration (both internal and external to SMC) is essential to successfully operating as an enterprise.

Capability Integration Division (ZAC)

The Capability Integration Division and its Capability Area Integrators are the lynchpin to achieving the Portfolio Architect mission, working with HQ USSF to understand requirements and implement capability area strategies while collaborating with the SMC Corps to integrate and deliver current programs of record into the architecture. They also evaluate opportunities for partnerships, prototyping, and innovation, to deliver and integrate new technology and inform strategies for future capabilities in the foundational space mission areas:

• Missile Warning/Missile Tracking (MW/MT)

• Satellite Communications (SATCOM)

• Positioning, Navigation & Timing (PNT)

• Environmental Monitoring (EM)

• Space Domain Awareness (SDA)

• Counterspace

• Tactical Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance (TISR)

• Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)

Systems-of-Systems Enterprise Division (ZAE)

As the USSF pursues the operational advantages of an enterprise space architecture, cross-mission capability areas increase resilience by realigning common requirements from the foundational capability areas to build enterprise-wide solutions. The Cross-Mission Integrators of the System-of-Systems Enterprise Division collaborate with HQ USSF, the SMC Corps and mission partners. They explore a range of enhanced resilience options driven by warfighter needs, while evaluating partnership, prototyping, and innovation opportunities to inform potential architectures, drive design solutions, and deliver warfighter-relevant capability increments in the following key areas:

• Cross-Mission Ground

• Cross-Mission Data

• Cross-Mission Data Transport

• Cross-Mission Space

• Cross-Mission Space Access & Combat Logistics

• Cross-Mission Cyber

The System-of-Systems Enterprise Division also leads a collaborative effort with HQ USSF and the SMC Corps to create and synchronize the enterprise system-of-systems policy and digital engineering framework that will underpin the successful delivery of the current architecture, while enabling the concurrent development and delivery of the future architecture.

Innovative Development Division (ZAD)

The Innovative Development Division collaborates with HQ USSF, SMC Corps, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and others to document an innovation strategy that aligns science, technology, innovation, and analysis efforts to develop concepts that align with enterprise strategies and priorities. This involves developing an innovation ecosystem to identify solutions by implementing a comprehensive modeling, simulation and analysis environment to rapidly assess candidate concepts, and ensure close collaboration with Capability Area Integrators, the Chief Partnership Office, and Cross-Mission Integrators to craft transition plans that plug both near and far term capability gaps. Using a “lead, leverage, learn” approach creates opportunities with other government mission partners, commercial industry, and allies.

Portfolio Integration Division (ZAF)

The Portfolio Integration Division collaborates with HQ USSF to document the space enterprise investment strategy, which informs the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) efforts, enabling delivery of current space programs while concurrently developing the future architecture. All SMC Congressional activities are coordinated through the division’s Congressional Analyst. The division also works with the SMC Corps to ensure that acquisition reporting is accurate, consistent, and integrated across the enterprise.

Chief Partnership Office (ZAP)

The Chief Partnership Office collaborates with HQ USSF, SAF/IA, and SMC Corps to seek, identify and engage primarily international and also other federal agency partners (e.g. NASA) to enhance the deterrence, resilience, efficiency, and capabilities of the space enterprise as prioritized in the Capability Area Strategies and Cross-Mission Strategies. The Chief Partnership Office is the SMC focal point for International Armaments Cooperation (IAC), Foreign Military Sales (FMS), and Foreign Disclosure. The Chief Partnership Office also establishes and maintains interagency agreements on behalf of SMC, promotes commercial partnerships in coordination with the Innovative Development Division (ZAD), and promotes DoD partnerships with the Capability Integration Division (ZAC).

Management Operations Division (ZAO)

The Management Operations Division delivers the human resources, facility management, training and information technology support essential to mission success.