In-Processing Briefings are held in-person every Wednesday from 9:00 am-11:00 am in Bldg 272, Room C3-251.
Customer Walk-in Hours: (Bldg 272, Room C1-120)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
(Closed on Federal Holidays and Family Days)
Commercial: (310) 653-CASH (2274)
DSN: 633-2274
If redirected to voicemail, customers can leave a message with their contact information (name, email/callback number) and a brief description of their issue. Due to the number of inquiries received on a daily basis, if there is no initial response when calling, customers can expect a call back within 3-5 business days if leaving a message through voicemail.
If already assigned to base network after completing IT portion of in-processing checklist and CAC is readily available, customers can also create an inquiry on our Comptroller Services Portal (CSP) at (CAC Enabled). Due to the number of inquiries received on a daily basis, customers can expect a response within 3-5 business days if using this method to contact our office.
For instructions on how to utilize CSP, please visit: CSP How-To-Guide.
Members who do not have access to CSP can utilize Finance’s walk-in services, customer phone line, or can schedule an in-person appointment at Appointments are available Mon-Fri from 8:30-3:30.
PLEASE NOTE: Walking in to our office provides more efficient service and a shorter wait time in comparison to attempting to reach us via phone or the Customer Service Portal.CSP, however, can assist you with submitting inquiries for all your financial needs, with the exception of myPay PIN resets, which is the only action that would require an in-person visit.